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The Victoria Carter London Dance Centre is the best choice for Vaganova Ballet training & continually keeps updated with current trends in Contemporary Dance, Jazz, Tap, Modern, Dance Gymnastics, Endurance & Hip Hop.


We welcome the amateur student who takes one to three classes a week, as well as the future professional dancer who takes two to three classes, six days a week.


Regardless of whether you are in an amateur or professional program, you are taught by the same qualified teaching staff.


We remain "the school where the amateur is as important as the professional."

Cutest young dancers

Our great advantage to our students is our natural sprung floors.  All the studio floors have the same level of "spring" linoleum over wood.  (No cement construction)


This consistency is very important with young developing bodies to prevent injury when dancing several hours a week.


Professional ballet companies have it in their contract that they will not perform on cement-constructed floors due to the chance of irreversible injury.


Dancing on cement can cause extra thick leg mussels that are not aesthetically pleasing.


We are delighted that our students have streamlined legs despite their varied backgrounds & heredity.

The best choice for Vaganova Ballet training 160 VCLDC
Advantage to dancing on natural sprung floors - Dancer

The Victoria Carter London Dance Centre offers special programs, events, and seasonal courses.


Each year we have a dance art and costume design contest, available to all students who wish to participate, to showcase their artistic abilities.  This shows the students how the different components of art come together to support each other.

Dance Art and Costume Design Contest - Prizes - Ballerina Dresses

Special days like Crazy Leotard Week, Bring a Parent to Class, & Bring a Loonie Friend to Class, create great fun & excitement in addition to our regular well-motivated classes.​

Bring a Parent to class week

From time to time, the school also arranges bus trips to Toronto for live theatrical performances of the National Ballet or current Broadway-type shows.

Bus Trip to the National Ballet - Dancers

We have a variety of summer dance classes.  


They are available for students to upgrade or advance during the summer.

Dancers - Summer Dance - Ballet Mania - Dance Intensive

A private lesson option allows students to work on individual technique problems or perfect technically to a higher level for professional development.


An understanding of how dance technique applies to the student's individual body type & ability is vital for professional advancement & career placement.


The occasional private lesson for a student who is concerned or lacking confidence in an aspect of their training can be helpful.  


For example, a student nervous about pirouettes can gain confidence & learn personal skills to help with the execution of a difficult task.

Arabesque - Dancer

Community Service

High school students can qualify for community service hours by assisting with recitals, performances, chaperoning children, & dressers backstage.  Opportunities are available for students with a keen dance interest, to demonstrate or assist in younger student classes.

We have a two-year teacher training program for those who wish to become certified competent teachers.

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